Foundation Stage
Statement of Intent
The Priory Catholic Voluntary Academy Foundation Stage is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which our youngest children can prosper.
Many of the children joining the school in the Foundation Stage join us from various educational settings that exist within the community. Children joining our school have already learnt a great deal, therefore the early-years education we offer builds on what our children already know and can do, offering a structure for learning that has a range of starting points and content that matches the needs of young children and their learning journey.
Using the Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) we provide learning experiences that enhance and encourage pupils’ intellectual, social, emotional, cultural, moral and physical development, whilst promoting the children’s characteristics of effective learning. The seven areas of learning within the Foundation Stage curriculum are taught through class lessons and small groups and in a practical and playful manner within the continuous provision.
Children are supported within their play through the practitioner’s interactions, free play and a language rich environment.
Children are assessed through observations and guided work which feeds into the tracking of the children on the development matters document.
We believe that children deserve to be valued as individuals, enabling them to develop their own strengths and interests through the characteristics of effective learning. With guidance and support from both the school and parents/carers the children can go on to achieve their full potential.
The practitioners will work in partnership with parents/carers to provide a supportive and inclusive experience through a variety of media such as half termly newsletters, knowledge organisers to inform parents of topics and sessions where parents are invited into the school.
Parents are informed of the children’s next steps in order to enhance their learning at home.
The Early Learning Goals set out what is expected of most children by the end of the Foundation Stage. The children are then assessed as emerging, expected or exceeding and parents will be given a report of this at the end of the school year.