Our Mission Statement and Values

Mission Statement

The Priory; a place to learn: have fun, grow and
develop, in the light and love of Christ.
Jesus said: “I am the vine; you are the branches” (John 15:5)


Catholic –Gospel Led –Values

Our religious beliefs coined within Catholic social teaching are central to the provision throughout the whole school; and the foundation on which the ethos of the school is built. Every person is recognised as a unique creation of God; it is the intention of every member of staff, for each child to be assisted in every way possible, to achieve his or her potential in all the fields which make up the whole human person: the academic, social, moral, physical and spiritual.

As Jesus taught through his actions and words, everyone has the right to be treated equally –with dignity and respect. All who work and learn here do so in the knowledge that God created us as unique individuals where our differences; whether of: disability, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation and age, are celebrated as part of the wonderfully created world in which we live.

Our attitudes are Gospel led and every opportunity is taken to refer to behaviour norms which are seen as desirable and which epitomize those which are fostered by the Gospel teachings. This is especially the case in the ways in which we respect and relate to others through:

  • valuing, respecting and promoting the rights, responsibilities and dignity of individuals within all our professional activities and relationships
  • all members of staff feeling valued, well trained and able to perform their professional duties free from undue and damaging stress
  • ensuring the equality of educational opportunity based on merit; irrespective of background, beliefs and socio-economic contexts.

As a worshipping community, we appreciate the importance of prayer in our daily lives and try to present as many opportunities as possible to participate in this intrinsic part of our Catholic Faith. It is from this action and acknowledgement of our faith that we are impelled to share our resources –the school and parish community undertake a great deal of charity work; supporting the global family of God on a local, national and world-wide basis.

British Values and our Catholic Ethos SRS

Equalities Policy SRS

Priory School Mission and Values

The Priory Catholic Voluntary Academy British Values Statement